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Member of the BPF ISO 9001 Certified Logo Plastik City Partner Logo

June 2021 Brexit Update

Almost 6 months since the much-feared Brexit deadline we are pleased to bring you our updated overview of how this might affect the flow of materials to you as a customer and what Polydist are doing to minimise any inconvenience.

We were all unsure of what difficulties we may have faced as the huge change in national circumstances took place at the year end. In the first few weeks we had to be prepared almost 24/7 to follow up on imports, trucks, clearance etc., to ensure that problems were kept to a minimum. There were of course some well publicised hold ups at the ports both sides of the Channel but as the year has progressed, we are pleased to note that delays are reducing as drivers, clearing agents and importers such as ourselves gain experience in the new procedural requirements.

However, the almost faultless transition is due in no small part to the pre-Brexit work undertaken by our Operations team and all at Polydist, but we still continue our vigilance and our close connections with all support companies in the chain.

We believe that the experience we have gained in the first half year, post-Brexit will stand us in good stead going forward, to manage all our imports and exports, but we remain committed to watching all developments closely to ensure we maintain the highest level of service to our customers and suppliers.

However, despite all of the above, if you are experiencing any problems or have any concerns regarding imports or exports that are provided by Polydist please do not hesitate to contact our Operations Team who will be happy to assist.
